Ram eighth grade girls win Al Molitor Relays in Carroll

The Greene County eighth grade girls track and field team won the Al Molitor Relays in Carroll May 5.

Coach Teresa Green reports first place finishes as follows: high jump, Megan Durbin, 5’0”*; shot put, Laurin Lyons, 30’ 5-1/4”; 800 meter run, Haley Hall, 2:58.13; 1500 m run, Hall, 6;02.75; and 100 m dash, Durbin, :13.9*.

Second place finishes: shot put, Onica Delp, 27’ 9-1/4”; long jump, Durbin, 13’ 8-1/2”; 100 m hurdles, Sydney Schiltz, :18.69; 200 m hurdles, Chantel Flack, :34.68; and 400 m shuttle hurdle relay, Lauren Carlson, Flack, Emily Finch, Schiltz, 1:17.67*.

Third place: 800 m spring medley, Lyons, Finch, Delp, Hall, 2:15.25; 400 m relay, Lyons, Schiltz, Carlson, Durbin, :58.80; 1600 m relay, Kara Betts, Finch, Emma Larson, Regan Lamoureux, 5:24.44; and 800 m relay, Lyons, Flack, Carlson, Neysa Halvorsen, 2:06.22.

Green reported team scores: Greene County 92; Carroll 89.5; IKM-Manning 83; Carroll Kuemper 74.5; and Audubon 30.

“Our entire team did a great job tonight. The all perform at their best and encourage each other in all of the events. This was a fun night for our girls,” Green said.

*New Greene County eighth grade girls record

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