Adopt-a-Family campaign underway; deadline for sign-up is Nov. 27

Greene County Adopt-a-Family’s Holiday Food Basket campaign is underway. Registration forms are available at New Opportunities Family Development Center at 1401 N. Elm in Jefferson. This is the only location for forms. “Partnering with New Opportunities means families need to make only one stop to register for available assistance,” stated AAF board member Laura Ballard.

The deadline for registrations is Nov. 27 . Applicants are required to provide the names and ages of all adults and children residing in the household and a working phone number. Food baskets will be distributed to each household on Saturday, Dec. 21, from noon to 1:30 pm at Clover Hall at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Jefferson. For food safety reasons, all baskets must be picked up during the distribution time.

GCAAF continues to work with the community to provide essential needs for those who may be experiencing tough economic times. At Christmas 2012, food and household goods were distributed to 150 families in Greene County.

Again this year, local churches and organizations will conduct collections to supplement the food baskets. Last month, 91 children from 41 families received coats and other winter gear through Operation Warm Hearts. In August, backpacks and school supplies were handed out to 190 youth from 71 families. GCAAF continues to provide support for the Homeless Youth program through Greene County High School.

The largest portion of GCAAF’s funds is allocated toward food each year.  Monetary donations can be mailed to AAF, PO Box 364, Jefferson 50129, or deposited directly at any local People’s Turst & Savings Bank location.

“Greene County is a generous community and we come together to support our friends and neighbors. Adopt-a-Family appreciates the community’s generosity, and looks forward to another successful Holiday Food Basket distribution,” Ballard said.

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