Jefferson tree committee tells plans

The Jefferson tree committee has announced plans to plant 40 trees along Maple St, starting at the north end. Families and groups are invited to help committee members plant trees Tuesday, May 6.

The committee will mark the placement of the trees in the parking area between the sidewalk and the street on Thursday, April 24. Committee members hope to talk personally with property owners that day to make sure they will welcome a tree. They will leave door hangers where a property owner isn’t home.  The door hangers will have a phone number to call for more information or to decline the tree. There is no charge to the property owner for the trees, although property owners’ cooperation in caring for the trees, particularly in the first year, will be appreciated.

Persons who would like to help plant trees May 6 can call tree committee chairman Lynn Menz at 515-386-8420 for details.


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