FSA celebrates American agriculture producers on National Ag Day, March 25

 USDA Greene County Farm Service Agency (FSA)  staff encourages everyone to take a moment to appreciate the hard working farmers and ranchers in Iowa on March 25, National Ag Day. This year’s theme is “Agriculture: 365 Sunrises and 7 Billion Mouths to Feed.”

USDA is proud to stand behind the producers who rise before dawn 365 days a year in order to put food on the table for 7 billion people.

“We recognize the importance of agriculture and hope that the recent passage of a new Farm Bill is a sign that 2014 will be a ‘banner year for the industry,” said CED, Tracy Zimmerman. There is no better way to show our support for farmers and ranchers than to begin implementing a new Farm Bill – legislation that will provide farmers, ranchers and consumers alike supportive results.”

While the American economy is rebounding and gaining strength, the agricultural economy has remained strong and at its best. Looking ahead, the U.S. has seen a trend towards aging farmers; however, according to the recent Census of Agriculture, the nation is beginning to reverse that trend. There is an increase in the number of farmers under the age of 35.

And although the agriculture industry promises a bright future, many farmers and ranchers are still recovering from natural disasters that occurred this year, including the continuing drought. Fortunately, these producers were still able to grow the commodities that Americans rely on in order to remain a food-secure nation. Our farmers and ranchers have also continued their legacy of protecting natural resources and environmentally sensitive land through the use of conservation programs.

Please join FSA in celebrating America’s farmers and ranchers – a selfless group of individuals who make up less than two percent of the world’s population. They feed our country and make our nation secure.  And, they supply quality foods to the rest of the world’s seven billion people.

From the clothes we wear, the foods we eat, the fuel we burn and the agricultural byproducts we use daily, American agriculture adds to the quality of our lives.

None of the contributions of U.S. farmers and ranchers should be taken for granted, because no one can live without agriculture.

Ag Day is a project of the Agriculture Council of America.  For further Ag Day information and events visit www.agday.org. For information on programs administered by FSA, please contact your local FSA office or visit us online at www.fsa.usda.gov.

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