Another CAFO, but this one has a tornado action plan

The master matrix for the proposed Justin Ostrander Home Site hog confinement has a twist the county supervisors hadn’t yet seen.

The proposed site is in the 1900 block of Orchard Ave north of 195th St in Hardin Township. The supervisors on Monday reviewed the master matrix for the site. It scores 455 points, with no points taken for a closure plan or for landscaping, elements the supervisors have sought from other CAFO operators.

The matrix does, however, claim points for an emergency action plan, something other operators have not provided. The plan describes measures to take in the event of “a tornado, a fire…. all that,” county zoning official Chuck Wenthold said.

Ostrander was not at the meeting. John Everly of Pinnacle Group, writer of the manure management plan, spoke for him. Everly said he had encouraged Ostrander to include a closure plan, and Ostrander said “he’d think about it.” He said the Ostranders wanted to include the emergency action plan because they already have a lot of that information. In fact, it’s posted on the wall inside other CAFOs. “It’s easy enough to take the points,” Everly said.

He added that a closure plan is “pretty straight forward” as well.

The two buildings will 439 feet east of Orchard Ave, a deep enough setback that when the surrounding fields are planted in corn, they’ll be barely visible from the road.

Wenthold said he’d like to see points taken for an emergency action plan on every master matrix. “I think that’s a great idea,” said board chair pro tem Dawn Rudolph. Board chair John Muir was not at the meeting.

A public hearing is slated for Monday, Nov. 14, at 9:45 am in the board room at the courthouse. After the hearing the supervisors will approve or disapprove a recommendation to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources to approve a construction permit.

Ostrander is planning construction for the spring of 2017.

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