Letter to the editor – James Holz

To the editor,

I have had the opportunity to work with Peter Bardole in various capacities over the past eight years, including conducting business with him and collaborating on the Farm Bureau board.

Pete’s most valuable characteristic is his ability to listen to other’s opinions with respect and courtesy.

Peter’s national leadership on water quality will also be beneficial for Greene County as we evaluate the construction of new hog confinement operations and deal with potential future impacts of the Des Moines Water Works lawsuit. Peter will use his conservation experience for Greene County’s benefit.

Moreover, I have seen the Bardole family farm embrace technology and efficiencies in their own operation. Peter will use this same approach when leading Greene County as supervisor.

Pete also has a broad network in our community as he is raising school-aged children in Jefferson, while his career is located in Rippey. This perspective will ensure that he considers the interests of all Greene County residents.

Pete’s unique qualifications will keep Greene County on the right track. That is why I will be supporting Peter Bardole for County Supervisor on November 8.

James Holz, Grand Junction

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