Letter to the editor – Jim Andrew

Dear editor,

As a lifelong Greene County Republican and farmer, I am writing to endorse Peter Bardole, Republican candidate for county supervisor in the Nov. 8 election. I do this with some hesitation as my lifetime classmate and three term supervisor Guy Richardson, who was defeated in the party primary and chose to run again as an independent is also a candidate in the race.

While I am fully aware of Guy’s prior service and talents, I very much adhere to a principle of serving a reasonable time in elected office during which you set the example and groom your potential future replacement. One can retire from paid elected fulltime service and still volunteer his or her expertise, ideas, and unfulfilled plans to the next generation of leaders who replace us. Too many times, elected and service organization positions are filled for too long by the same faithful servants. This leads to a vacuum of younger trained leaders and “new eyes and minds” to carry on in the future.

Because of Peter Bardole’s long time commitment to Greene County; prior leadership training in Farm Bureau and civic organizations; mature, common-sense decision making; and family commitment to remain in Greene County rather than pursue the bright lights and big city, I believe he is prepared and ready to wisely face the opportunities and challenges that will confront Greene County in the coming years. If we elders don’t allow our younger citizens to move up in the system we are doomed to failure in challenging the future. I encourage voting for Peter Bardole, Republican candidate for supervisor on Nov. 8.

Thank you.

James O. Andrew, Jefferson

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