Tuition assistance available for welding program

Classes to be taught in Jefferson

Iowa-CentralIowa Central Community College is offering an evening training program in welding at Greene County High School, with tuition assistance for income-eligible persons. Many of the new jobs anticipated in Greene County will require welding skills.

Iowa Central received federal funding for the program, which gives the unemployed and under-employed an opportunity to learn basic skills to enter the workforce or continue their education.

The program includes five separate components taught in classes that meet Tuesday and Thursday evenings from March 4 through July 31. After completing the non-credit classes, participants will receive a production welding certificate through Iowa Central. For those who go on to finish their education for a full degree, the classes will transfer to college credit. Students would pay for the remaining classes needed.

Income guidelines range from an annual income of $28,725 or less for a single person up to$99,075 for a family of eight.

Space is limited. The registration deadline is Tuesday, Feb. 25. Persons can call 800-362-2793 for more information or to register.

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