Girl Scout Troop 462 visits VFW

Girl Scout Troop 462 of Greene County visited the VFW on March 14. The VFW hosted the monthly meeting and served a  meal. The girls gave a presentation to tell the VFW all about the Girl Scouts and what they do. The rtoop just finished selling 3,432 boxes of cookies.

The Scouts thank area residents for their support in buying cookies. The troop cookie money will help the girls go to summer camp this year. They are planning a trip to the Botanical Gardens later in March to celebrate all the hard work of the girls.Girl Scouts, veterans

Girl Scouts pictured are (from left) Autumn Consier, Kayla Sturm, Tarynn Fisher, Kallie Fisher, Hailey Hoyle, Alannah Menz, Lexy Fisher, Caeddance Butler, Autumn Stevens and Ilse Hooper. Members of the VFW who hosted the event are (from left) Earl Cherryholmes, Jim Andrew, Barb Labate, Dan Marks, Tom Hammel, Kenny Arbuckle, Louis Swanson and Don Ihnken.  ~The Scranton Journal

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