Help! Santa needs help

Santa needs help this year… more than expected. Teresa Lansman of New Opportunities has put out a call for toys to complete this year’s Toys for Tots project.

The Marine Corps Toys for Tots program provides the bulk of the toys each year. Lansman explained that last year she registered to receive toys for 270 children and received a trailer full of toys. This year she registered for 280 children and received only a half trailer load. “The ‘Toys for Tots’ donations are down this year, and counties all over the state are struggling to find toys,” Lansman said.

In fact, parents of 315 children have signed up to receive toys to give their children as Christmas gifts.

Toys for all ages are needed. Gift cards will be accepted as gifts for older children, and Lansman can accept cash donations toward the Toys for Tots program through Friday at 4 pm. Donations of toys or cash can be taken to the New Opportunities Family Development Center during business hours through Friday. Toys can also be delivered Sunday, Dec. 13, from 1 to 2 pm at Clover Hall at the Greene County Fairgrounds in Jefferson.

“Many of the families who have signed up for the program are two income families, but they have a hard time with the extra costs of having kids home from school and buying Christmas gifts. The stresses and costs of the holidays that hit all of us are just a little harder for them to deal with,” Lansman said.


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