County to pay more toward animal shelter

Amending the 28E agreement between Greene County and the city of Jefferson for the operation of the animal shelter will be on a future agenda for the county board of supervisors. The new agreement will add $2,000 to the $1,500 the county already pays to the city to help with the expense of the shelter.

Sheriff Steve Haupert was approached by PAWS (People for Animal Welfare Society) about an increase in the county’s contribution. Haupert explained that the current shelter custodian/caretaker who works 15 hours a week at a wage of $8 an hour has resigned, and that the city and PAWS have agreed the position should be increased to 20 hours a week.

Haupert told the supervisors he has spent nothing out of his budget line item for animal control, and suggested that the additional money could come from that line item. “It’s only fair, since we use the shelter, too,” Haupert said.

The supervisors agreed easily to the idea, with the only discussion being how the agreement should be worded. Board chair John Muir suggested the additional money be allocated to the city of Jefferson for use for the shelter as the city sees fit, not designating that it go toward wages. “We realize we should be involved with this, but I hesitate to get involved in other people’s wages,” Muir said.


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