In the neighborhood

RippeyPlease send your news item to Jean Borgeson at

Sept. 14, 2015

Rippey public library: Librarian Andrea Williams. Phone: 515.436.7714; Website:; E-mail:

HOURS: Monday 1-6 pm; Tuesday 1:40-5:30 pm; Wednesday 3 to 8 pm; Thursday 12-6 pm.

Sept. 16: Movie Party – “Insurgent” – at 3:30 pm. Serving popcorn and beverages, but bringing soda or another drink is okay, and so is bringing a pillow or blanket for comfortable floor-sitting.

Sept 23:  Fall Craft at 4:00

Rippey United Methodist Church:  PO Box 286, 103 West Main St. Rippey, IA 50235. Pastor: Paul Burrow. Phone: 515-436-7731

Adult Sunday school at 9:45 am. Worship service at 11 am. Every Tuesday: Quilters 9:00 – Coffee and fellowship 10:00 – everyone welcome.

Sept. 27: Rally Sunday @ Rippey UMC during worship; 4 pm – middle school youth group; 6:30 pm – THUG.

Rippey United Methodist ice cream social – The best part of the ice cream social is the “social” part.  Yes, the ice cream, sandwiches and pies are good, but visiting with old friends and making new acquaintances twice a year makes for an evening of fun and fellowship. The committee, (a well-oiled machine), plus those who furnish and work behind the scenes prior to the event, form strong friendships, and many memories of “how it used to be done.” This year, the steady stream of attendees was a satisfied group, who tended to linger and visit long after their appetites were satisfied.  Thank you to those who shared their evening with the Rippey folks, and we look forward to the next social in June, 2016.

Bye, Bye Blues meet – Doris Brown hosted the monthly meeting of Bye, Bye Blues on Thursday, Sept. 10.  Those attending were Eleanor Alex of Grand Junction, Midge Vannatta and Marilyn Pentico of Perry, and Jean Borgeson of Rippey.  As always, the group enjoy reminiscing and sharing news of their friends who are unable to attend any more.  Jean brought an article from the Globe Free Press, describing the Rippey festival that was held in August, 1959.  Baseball game, parade, carnival, and the free acts from the Rollers from Harlan with square dancing on roller skates and other stunts, and the horse show, in which 75 horses from several saddle clubs were involved.  The queen for that celebration was Barbara Overman, and her attendants were runners-up Judith Groves and Sharon Bardole. The article triggered a lot of memories of many celebrations that were held at Rippey over the years.

Birthday celebrated – Pat and Steve McPherson took Midge Vannatta to the movie “A Walk in the Woods” for her birthday. Midge said she laughed so hard during the movie that she lost about half of the big box of popcorn she was trying to eat. After the movie at Jordan Creek, they shopped at Trader Joe’s for a while.  Midge said she enjoyed the evening very much and recommended the movie as a “must see.”

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