Middle school sports

Eighth grade football and cross country for Sept. 10, eight grade volleyball for Sept. 14  and Sept. 15

Eighth grade volleyball: The Greene County eighth grade girls volleyball team hosted Nevada Sept. 15 and came away with three wins and five losses in games. The Rams won the B match and lost the A match.

Game scores for the A match were 6-21, 14-21, 19-21, 15-21. Game scores for the B match were 21-11, 15-21, 24-22, 21-18. Overall, the A squad is 4-4 in games and the B squad is 5-2. The A squad is 1-1 in matches and the B squad is 2-0.

Top servers were Kylie Roach, 18 of 19, 95 percent; Sophia havens, eight of nine for 89 percent with two aces; Harleigh Weir, 10 of 12 for 83 percent with four aces; and Ellie Madson, 19 of 24 for 79 percent with five aces.

“Kylie Roach is our best server for the second time this week.  She is consistent, and we can count on her to get the serves in,” said coach Teresa Green. “Sophia Havens did a nice job of setting for us and helping keep our offense running,” Green added.


Eighth grade volleyball: The Greene County eighth grade girls volleyball team opened its season at Gilbert on Monday, Sept. 14.  The Rams won six games and lost only one to the Gilbert Tigers.

Games scores were  21-11, 21-14, 21-12, 21-14, 16-21, 21-8, and 21-9.

Top servers for the Rams include Kylie Roach, 16 for 17 for 94 percent with 10 aces; Ellie Madson, 10 for 11 for 91 percent with seven aces; Harleigh Weir, 10 for 12 for 83 percent with five aces; and Sophia Havens, 25 for 31 for 81 percent with 14 aces.

Overall, the Rams served 113 for 145 for 78 percent.  The Rams have strong servers and had 64 aces out of their 113 good serves. “This is an area we will continue to improve on as the season progresses,” coach Teresa Green said. “We are running a 5-1 offense with Sophia Havens and Aubrey Heupel as our setters. The entire team is learning this offense. They are getting their fast pass up so we can set the ball up for hitting”

“This was a great night for the Rams to get our confidence up and to work on our offense,” Green said.

Cross country: Greene County claimed the middle school girls championship at the Greene County Invitational run at Spring Lake on Thursday, Sept. 10. The Rams scored 42 points with Collins-Maxwell-Baxter close behind with 44 in second place.

Bailey Cunningham led the Rams in 14:52 over the two-mile course and fourth place. Izzy Bravard was ninth in 15:59 and Ashley Harmeyer 11th in 16:07. Sophie Ausberger’s time of 17:20 was good for 23rd and Megan Doran was 26th in 17:30.

The boys had just two runners in competition. Brian Hardaway finished eighth in 14:13 and Connor Fox was 44th in 16:44.

Other middle school runners’ time and place were Conner Allender 17:33, 28; Annie Twillie 17:45, 32; Kassie Lamoureux 17:49, 34; Kamy Walker 17:54, 36; Emily Hofer 18:57, 40; Kirsten Lamoureux 20:21, 48; and Hannah Acton 34:03, 62.

Team scores were Greene County 42, CMB 44, West Marshall 64, Perry 93, and Ogden 109. ~The Scranton Journal

Eighth grade football: The eighth grade Ram football team on Sept. 10 got its first victory of the season over the Gilbert Tigers with a final score of 13-6.

The Rams’ first score was in the first quarter on a 47 yard punt return by Carter Morton. The Rams could not connect on the PAT. In the second quarter Xavier Hayes ran for a 3 yard touchdown with Brandon Hoyle connecting on the PAT, making the score 13-0 at halftime.

In the second half the Rams were held scoreless and the Tigers scored a touchdown in the fourth quarter making the final score 13-6.

Coach Chad Morton said, “We saw many things we need to work on as a team. The kids worked together as a team. We are proud of their effort.”

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