EG board accepts low bid for asbestos removal at Rippey building

The East Greene board of education at its Jan. 15 meeting to demolition of the Rippey school building.

The board considered two bids for asbestos removal and accepted the low bid of $95,600 from Environmental Management Services of Iowa Inc. The job includes the 1920 main building, the boiler room and the west addition. The work will be done sometime between the end of the basketball season and next August.

Superintendent Tim Christensen said the amount is “a realistic number” considering that no asbestos removal has been done in the building. The cost is in line with funds the district has put in reserve to cover demolition of the building. He also told the board he is preparing an application for state funds in a derelict building program. The program provides financial incentives for diverting materials from landfills. For example, if bricks, mortar or concrete are crushed and used for roadways, the district would receive more in state funds toward the cost of demolition.

All specifications for the final demolition are ready for bidding, most likely during the summer.Christensen hopes to schedule demolition to coincide with grant requirements.

The East Greene board will ask the Greene County school board to approve a resolution committing a portion of PPEL (physical plant and equipment levy) and SILO (local option sales tax)  funds generated in the East Greene district be earmarked for demolition of the Rippey building should that project not be completed before the July 1 dissolution of the East Greene board.

The board also discussed the future of the district-owned house immediately northwest of the school. The 2-bedroom house was formerly the home of the school superintendent, although the school uses the unattached garage. It has been vacant since Mike Harter’s retirement last spring. After discussion, the board agreed to retain ownership of the house but to rent it out. Christensen planned to notify school staff of its availability before listing it publicly as rental property.


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