Letter to the editor, Mike Miller

To the editor,

Your opinion piece about the party and the police/sheriff’s deputies’  response reminds me of spring or summer events roughly fifty years ago when older ( college kids) organized an party at either a gravel pit or a farmstead and the law intervened. Some of us went to court on Easter Sunday morning instead of being in church.

My point is that even though there were laws broken (underage drinking) , this was a rite of passage. We outgrew the rebelliousness, but there was and is a bonding with those who were there that lasts a lifetime. Even though I haven’t lived in Greene County for almost 50 years, I have a common bond with my contemporaries of the 60’s that will never fade, and when I return  for reunions or for other events and meet up with contemporaries, we renew our youth telling the stories.

Jefferson and Greene County were a great place to grow up.

Michael D. Miller

Anchorage, AK


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