Budget work and employee hire addressed by Scranton council

The Scranton City Council met in special session twice in late January to work on budget matters and hire a part-time employee.

Gale Zellweger presented the community center budget and updated the council on the goals of the community center board.

David Dideriksen represented the library board in offering the budget for the 2015-16 year. Several line items were discussed. The council voted unanimously to approve a $5,000 direct contribution towards the library budget.

It was pointed out by the council that the city also supports the library by paying for all of the insurance and employee benefits, and that the library receives 22 percent of the local option sales tax revenue.

A closed session was requested by Jerry Boyd at the special meeting on Jan. 27. Boyd was offered the position as part-time public works employee. He was authorized to work  20 hours per week at $10 per hour. It was noted that any additional hours must be approved by the mayor.

Candidates for the mayor position have until noon on Friday, Feb. 6, to submit a letter of interest to city hall. The appointment will be made by the council at its regular meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 10. ~The Scranton Journal

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