City talks snow removal, demo/rebuild on Lincoln Way

Jefferson city code enforcement officer Tom Heater invites all private contractors planning to do snow removal in Jefferson this winter to an informational meeting Thursday, Nov. 13, at 7 pm at city hall.

At the meeting, Heater will brief contractors on all local ordinances pertaining to snow removal. All interested persons are invited to attend.

Heater also notes that the city is accepting written offers and proposal for redevelopment at 407 W. Lincoln Way. The project will include purchase and demolition of an existing house and garage the city has recently taken possession of, as well as building a new home at that location.

Interested parties should submit a written proposal containing the following information: 1) the amount they are willing to pay for the property in is existing condition; and 2) all plans and specifications for a new minimum 1500 square foot house, a budget showing estimated costs, estimated time for destruction of the existing structure and completion of the new structure, and proof of financial ability to complete the project.

Any person acquiring the property must agree to redevelop the property in a manner which will be compatible with the neighborhood and comply with existing zoning requirements (Residential Multi-Family-RM4) and applicable building and construction codes.

Written proposals should be filed with the city clerk of Jefferson on or before Nov. 14 at 4:30 pm. The city of Jefferson reserves the right to reject any and all proposals.

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