Letter to the editor

Dear Editor:

A shout out to Linnette Sondgeroth on her retirement this week after nearly 17 years of maintenance work at the Greene County Courthouse. While Linnette has chosen to leave without fanfare, we want to take this chance to say “THANK YOU so much” for all the support and assistance she has provided to so many of us over the years.
As part of a team, making sure the building and grounds looked their very best, deadheading flowers and scrubbing up after our crowds might have been expected. But carting out electric cords and hookups, setting up tables, running for that last-minute needed item for Farmer Market; helping get the courthouse rotunda ready for some event or another by bringing in chairs, arranging tables, polishing up the place or cleaning up after us, for Jefferson Matters: Main Street, Greene County Chamber and so many more organizations – Linnette did it all cheerfully!
Linnette’s friendly, can-do attitude and hard work has been invaluable to hosting so many successful events in the courthouse venue. On this occasion of her retirement, we want to wish her well and say, “Thanks, Linnette, enjoy your retirement! We’ll all miss you!”
For the Greene County Farmers Market
~ Chris Henning, Reagan Osborne, Rich Osborne

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