Greene County attorney Thomas Laehn called a settlement in a dispute over the property valuation of Wild Rose Casino “the best outcome the county could get under the circumstances.” Laehn told the county supervisors at the Jan. 27 meeting that the Iowa Property Assessment Appeal Board (PAAB) recently heard an appeal of the assessment of Wild Rose Casino in Clinton…
Read MoreYear: 2025
Greene Co Community Foundation grant application deadline is Feb. 14
Take a look toward any corner of Greene County and you will see a project made possible by the Greene County Community Foundation (GCCF). During the last 19 years, eager members of nonprofit organizations in Greene County have had ideas, hopes, dreams, and aspirations come to fruition with funding from GCCF. “We look forward to partnering with more Greene County…
Read MoreArea students advance to state large group speech contest
A total of 27 area high school students will travel to Waukee Feb. 8 to compete in the Iowa High School Speech Association’s state large group contest. A choral reading from Paton-Churdan qualified with an original piece written by Nicole Friess-Schilling about a teen with a phone addiction. Choral readers are Phoenix Hartman, Kaliyah Minnihan, Alivya Smith, Ella Tasler, Grace…
Read MoreMidland Power invites applications for Washington, DC trip
Midland Power Cooperative is looking for one lucky high school sophomore or junior to send on an all-expenses paid trip to Washington, D.C. this summer. For more than 60 years, electric cooperatives like Midland Power have proudly sponsored students to attend the Electric Cooperative Youth Tour. This event brings high school students from across the nation together in the capital…
Read MoreMedical center welcomes new general surgeon
General surgeon, Dr Mark Abraham will join the Greene County Medical Center specialty provider team in February. He will see patients in the clinical setting and perform surgeries on the first and fourth Wednesdays of each month beginning Feb. 5. “We are excited to welcome Dr Abraham to our impressive team of visiting specialists,” said chief medical officer Dr. Laurie Connolly.…
Read MoreValentines for Extended Care patients at medical center
When thinking about your valentines this year, consider adding the patients at Greene County Medical Center’s Extended Care to your list. Make the holiday special for the six residents who call Extended Care their home by showering them with valentines. The public is invited to mail or deliver a heartfelt message to any or all of these individuals. Simply drop …
Read MoreDeadline approaches for Bell Tower of Fame nominations
Carole Custer, chair of the Bell Tower of Fame Award selection committee, has announced a Friday, Feb. 14 deadline for submission of nominations for consideration for this year’s award. The selection committee is comprised of past Bell Tower Festival chairs. The award is presented at opening ceremonies of the annual Bell Tower Festival in Jefferson in June. The award was…
Read MoreTwo Feet & a Heartbeat competition encourages heart health
Greene County Medical Center’s cardiac rehabilitation team is inviting everyone to join them in doing something positive for their heart health this February. February is American Heart Month, a great time to learn your important numbers. This includes your blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, hours of sleep you get at night and the steps you take every single day. Something…
Read MoreCommunity Players announce cast of spring comedy
The cast has been named for the Greene County Community Players’ spring presentation of the comedy “Sylvia” by A.R. Gurney. Josh Tuel and Trisha Bauer will play the roles of Greg and Kate, a married couple who are adjusting to being empty nesters. Alyssa Sparks plays the role of Sylvia, a rambunctious Labradoodle who adopts Greg, and creates marital strife…
Read MoreGreene County sheriff’s report – January 2025
Following are excerpts of activities reported by the Greene County sheriff’s office: Friday, Jan. 31: Routine activity reported. Jan. 30: At 1:23 pm a deputy investigated a theft in the 2400 block of 260th St in Junction Township. At 4:50 pm a deputy investigated a complaint of a dog running at large in the 500 block of Jay St in…
Read MoreGreene County district court, week ending Jan. 24
In Greene County district court Michael James Wagoner, 42, of Jefferson was sentenced Jan. 17 to one year in jail after he pleaded guilty to a charge of domestic abuse assault- serious, amended from domestic abuse assault of pregnant person with intent to inflict serious injury. All but 90 days of the jail term was suspended. He was also sentenced…
Read MoreGreene County magistrate court, week ending Jan. 24
Cases were initiated in Greene County magistrate court during the week ending Jan. 24 as follows: Ashley Marie Spaulding of Jefferson, possession of drug paraphernalia; Roger Keith Ketchum Jr of Jefferson, assault, and in a separate case, interference with official acts; and Morgan Brittany Gill of Fort Dodge, possession of drug paraphernalia.
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