In Greene County district court Michee Chinyama, 29, of Ankeny was sentenced to 10 days in jail after she changed her plea to guilty to a charge of driving while license barred. The jail sentence was suspended and she was placed on probation to Boone/Greene County Probation for one year. She must also complete 100 hours of community service. A judgment was entered for a $855 fine with a $128.25 surcharge; both were suspended. She must pay an amount not to exceed $400 for her court appointed attorney’s fees and $100 court costs. (Sentencing: Honorable Joseph B. McCarville)
Marcus Edward Hildebrand, 26, of Guthrie Center was granted a deferred judgment after he changed his plea to guilty to a charge of possession of methamphetamine. He was placed on probation to Boone/Greene County Probation for one year. He must complete any recommendations of a substance abuse evaluation and he must perform 25 hours of community service. He must pay a $430 civil penalty, an amount not to exceed $500 restitution for his court appointed attorney’s fees, and $100 court costs. (Sentencing: McCarville)
Persons pleaded not guilty at arraignment as follows: Craig Robert Arthur, 47, of Ogden, burglary- second degree and unauthorized use of credit less than $1,500; Kendall Griffin, 18, of Jefferson, possession of marijuana; Taylor Richard Grobove, 31, of Bemidji, MN, assault while participating in a felony, disarming peace officer, and assault on person in certain occupation- intent of injury; Danica Goff Hueser, 18, of Jefferson, assault causing bodily injury or mental illness; and Robert Antonio Hadley, 37, of Jefferson, indecent exposure- two counts. A trial date of April 28 was set for Arthur, and for June 17 in other cases listed.
Cases were initiated in district court during the week ending March 21 as follows: Ethan Thomas Frye, 25, of Grand Junction, assault causing bodily injury or mental illness; Seth Allen Blumberg, 26, of Grand Junction, assault causing bodily injury or mental illness; Jason William Sheldahl, 53, of Grand Junction, possession of marijuana; Anthony Vernell Crawford, 60, of Churdan, driving while license barred; and Hether J. Dobney, 38, of Grand Junction, operating while intoxicated.