Scranton all-school reunion slated for June 20-21

The Scranton All School Reunion is quickly approaching and the Alumni Association is working towards a mailing to get important information to all Scranton School Alumni, as well as current or former Scranton residents.

The reunion is set for June 20 and 21, with a banquet set for Saturday, June 21.

Anyone who would like to be invited to the banquet meal should ensure their address is up to date: email info@scranton, especially if you’ve moved since the last reunion.

You won’t want to miss the weekend of fun. Activities include food trucks, DJ music, popcorn, disc golf, corn hole, a beverage garden and more. Events will take place on the south side of the community center. Be sure to follow “I grew up in Scranton Iowa” and “Scranton Community Center” on Facebook to stay up to date. ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

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