Students from both Greene County high schools attended the Iowa High School Speech Association’s state individual contest March 15.
A trio of GrCoHS students earned Division I ratings from all three judges in the room — Randa Lindberg in Prose, Kamden Kinne in Expository Address, and Maggie Mikkelsen in Reviewing. Mikkelsen earned a mixed I rating in Literary Program and Ava Binkley received a mixed I in Reviewing. Maelee Schmidt received a II rating in Storytelling. Greene County speech coaches are Kelley Gray and Darren Jackson.
Among Paton-Churdan students, Catarina Hobbs received a I rating for Literary Program. Callie Martin received a II rating in Poetry, Lily Trecker received a II rating in Prose, and Bridget Hobbs also received a II rating in Prose. Phoenix Hartman was disqualified in Improv. Ella Tasler had qualifed in two events for the state contest but was unable to attend. Paton-Churdan speech coach is Amanda Tasler.