GrCo school board sets 2025-26 calendar

The 2025-26 school year will begin for Greene County students Monday, Aug. 25, with the last attendance day Friday, May 29, 2026. Teachers will return to their classrooms Tuesday, Aug. 19. Families will have two full weeks of vacation  over the winter holidays. Dec. 19 will be the last attendance day before Christmas, and students and teachers do not return to school until Jan. 5.

The Greene County Schools board held a public hearing on the proposed calendar at their regular March 12 meeting. Hearing no comments, the board approved the calendar.

The board approved retirements of two teachers with a combined total of 71 years of teaching. Middle school math teacher Doug Brown is retiring after 35 years of teaching and Kirsten Carman is retiring after 36 years. “It was a really hard decision for both of them,” school superintendent Brett Abbotts told the board. “A big ‘thank you’ to both of them.”

Board member Michelle Fields reported she, board member Tim Riphagen, Abbotts, representatives of DLR Group, and several community members met in February to discuss attendance trends and things noted by community members in each of the district buildings that may need improvement. She said the group will meet again and prioritize needs.

She also reported meeting with the company installing the district’s solar energy system. That project is slated for construction this summer.

The board approved updating lighting at the elementary and middle schools this summer. ROI Energy will take out antiquated lighting systems and replace them with LED lighting. Total cost to the district will be $209,063. ROI will deal with available incentives/rebates with the district paying only actual cost. Abbotts said he talked with several school districts that have used ROI and been very satisfied with their work.

District technology director Brent Gerzema reported that as of October 2025, Microsoft will no longer support the Windows 10 operating system, and that the district’s desktop computers all use Windows 10. He said the computers used by teachers can be shifted from Windows 10 to Chrome OS at a minimal cost.

However, users of Microsoft Office – administrative offices (including secretaries and receptionists) and school counselors – will not be able to use Chrome OS. The board approved the purchase of 21 advanced PCs for the CAD lab and 29 standard PCs for administrative offices. Total cost is not to exceed $50,000, with funds from physical plant and equipment levy (PPEL) funds. The purchase will be from The board tabled an agenda item calling for ratification of the 2025-26 negotiated agreement with the Greene County Education Association. No explanation was given at the meeting.

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