Celebrate ISU Extension & Outreach Week in Greene County

Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Week is April 7-12. Iowa’s 100 county Extension offices will host “I Spy Cy” activities and educational events throughout the week to thank Iowans for their support of ISU Extension and Outreach throughout the state.

“This celebration is one way we show our appreciation for the people who participate in our educational programs, as well as the many volunteers, community leaders, organizations, agencies and other partners who support our work in Greene County,” said Jeff Lamoureux, Greene County director.

Come enjoy the week with us. Programs run from 9:30 to 11 am

Friday, April 4, 2025, 9:30-11:00 am. Join us for Java Juice. We will have coffee and refreshments and talk about programs we will be offering for Extension week.

Monday, April 7-11, 2025 I Spy Cy. Cy will be hiding somewhere around the square. Find Cy everyday this week and write them down and turn it into the office on Friday to be placed in a drawing for a prize. What for Clues on Facebook.

Monday, April 7,  10 am – Noon. Lawn Care 101 Adam Thoms, ISU Associate Professor in Horticulture and Extension Turfgrass Specialist will discuss turfgrass performance in Iowa including identification, Practice Weed Identification, Present herbicide & fungicide options for turfgrass managers, Explain new fertility research and when to fertilize a yard and discuss vertical mowing, aeration, and dethatching

Tuesday, April 8. We will have a Make and Take meal for the busy planting season. This is one of our favorites. Call the Greene County Extension office to sign up and bring your crockpot, fill it up and you will have dinner ready when you get home. We will be making Crock Pot Crack Chicken. Cost is $25.00

Wednesday April 9. After school. Samanatha Hardaway, ISU Greene County Extension County youth coordinator will offer Business career camp for 1st through 3rd grades at the Greene County Career Academy. Please email Samantha if your child would like to attend. hardaway@iastate.edu.

Thursday, April 10. Container Gardening 101. “More individuals are utilizing container gardens in backyards to grow fruits and vegetables as well as flowers. Understanding the basics of container type, plant needs, soils and fertilizer requirements will help improve your success of the crops you are growing. Join Mike Witt, ISU Field agronomist in discussing Container gardening 101.”

Friday don’t forget to turn in your findings for I Spy Cy!

ISU Extension and Outreach is part of the federal Cooperative Extension Service — a network of more than 100 land-grant institutions, including Iowa State University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture, serving communities and counties across the United States. Every county in Iowa has an elected extension council that decides how to support ISU Extension and Outreach educational programs at the county level.

The Greene County Extension Council members are Scott Weber, Tracy Deal, Shari Minnehan, Pam Olerich, Keith Pedersen, Julia Glawe, Wade Wuebker and Amber Kenan.

“ISU Extension and Outreach delivers education, facilitates collaboration and sparks action. We’re making a difference for the people of Greene County – whether measured in improved farm profits, stronger families, healthier communities or youth who are ready for their future,” Lamoureux said.

For more information about ISU Extension and Outreach, visit www.extension.iastate.edu/ or contact the ISU Extension and Outreach Greene County office at 515-386-2138 or email egreene@iastate.edu. This institution is an equal opportunity provider. For the full non-discrimination statement or accommodation inquiries, go to www.extension.iastate.edu/legal.

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