Greene County magistrate court, week ending March 14

In Greene County magistrate court a judgment was entered March 12 against Melissa Sue Dopheide of Breda after she pleaded guilty to a charge of theft- fifth degree. She was fined $105 with a $15.75 surcharge. Court costs were $110.90.

A judgment for a $105 fine with a $15.75 surcharge was entered against Debra Ann Coughlon of Gowrie on a charge of public intoxication. Court costs were $60.

Information is available since the return of an arrest warrant that Joseph Edward Blackmon of Jefferson is charged with theft- fifth degree. The warrant was issued Jan. 20 and served March 10.

Cases were initiated as follows: Orlando Lee Love of Humboldt, provide false information and possession of drug paraphernalia; Chad Christopher Louk of Jefferson, violation of no contact order, two counts, two separate cases.

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