Greene County district court, week ending March 7

In Greene County district court Tantya Marie Helmrichs, 45, of Grand Junction was found guilty at a jury trial March 6 of possession of methamphetamine- third or subsequent offense. Assistant county attorney Laura Snider prosecuted the case. Sentencing will be at a later date. Aryanna J. Rank, 18, of Churdan was granted a deferred judgment after she changed her plea…

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Greene County magistrate court, week ending March 7

In Greene County magistrate court a sentencing order was entered Feb. 27 in a case from October 2023 in which Joshuea Micael Faller of Jefferson was charged with disorderly conduct- loud raucous noise. A criminal verdict of guilty was entered on the charge in May 2024. Faller was fined $105 with a $15.75 surcharge. Court costs were $339.50, including a…

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