Letter to the editor – B. Banister, Trump’s ‘vicious childishness’

To the editor,

I was appalled at the display of dishonesty and disrespect shown by our convicted felon president and vice president to the courageous Ukrainian President Zelenskyy.

Trump and Vance put on a show of vicious childishness beyond anything a civilized person would do. Trump has made the United States an unreliable, untrustworthy ally. He’s attempting to extort Ukraine’s mineral wealth like a Mafia don.

Meanwhile the “Muskateers” are ravaging the federal apparatus. Congress has shown itself to be a pack of cowards. Every single person they have confirmed is unworthy and unqualified for the positions they now hold.

Trump is a rogue president who is set on granting himself absolute power. It took 250 years to build the United States. If he gets his way Trump will tear it apart in four.

Again, let us hear from a Trumpist or two – why not the chair of the Greene Co. Republicans?

Bruce Banister, Jefferson

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