Letter to the editor – D. Lautner re: library

February 12, 2025

To the editor,

I’ve been tagged as the most negative person in Jefferson by a former Bee & Herald editor. I wear the badge proudly, but honestly I’m just a realist – telling things like they are – not “sugar coating” them.

Let’s start with the library. Do we need a $10 million addition to the Carnegie part? Those touting that move want to destroy the 1966 addition. Why not put a $3 million addition on to the 1966 part? Let’s look back in 1966. We had 12,500 people in the county and 4,750 in Jefferson. Now we have 8,700 in the county and 4,100 in Jefferson. Do these numbers justify more library space?

There are various meeting places in Jefferson if you need more room to gather.

Most people now use social media and computers that don’t require a physical location. How many people actually use the library?

Oh, I forgot the puzzle table is the most important component of the library!

And yes, we also have five other libraries in the county.

We need a DOGE chapter here in Jefferson to trim the waste, fraud, and mishandling of taxpayers’ money that goes on with the school board, the city council, and the supervisors.

Residents keep paying your taxes. Just a handful will decide how your hard-earned money is spent.

You can’t spend yourself into prosperity. Sincerely, “Old Scrooge,” Denny Lautner, Jefferson

Addendum – If the 1966 addition to the library is old and worn out and needs to be demolished, then the Mahanay Tower needs to go bye-bye. You see, both were built in 1966, when I was a senior in high school.

What is good for the goose is good for the gander.

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