Supervisors hear salary requests from other elected officials

Greene County elected officials are looking for parity with their peers as they discuss salary increases for the next fiscal year. County treasurer Katlynn Mechaelsen, recorder Deb McDonald and sheriff Jack Williams made their salary requests at the board of supervisors’ Jan. 6 meeting.

Mechaelsen reported her salary ranks 48th among county treasurers in Iowa and that she wants to keep that salary competitive. She asked the supervisors for a 4 percent raise, or 3.5 percent at minimum.

McDonald said she’d like to stay in the median of other recorders across the state, and that the Iowa County Recorders Association has reported requests for increases ranging from 2 to 13 percent. She said requesting a 4 percent increase is fair to keep her within the median.

Sheriff Jack Williams said he has heard of requests for increases ranging from 9 to 15 percent for other sheriffs. He said he knew that much was “out of reach” and requested a 3.2 to 4 percent increase.

County auditor Billie Jo Hoskins has not made her request. She is just starting her first term as an elected auditor, having been appointed to fill a vacancy with the retirement of longtime auditor Jane Heun in July 2023. Hoskins had worked in the auditor’s office for 32 years prior to her appointment as auditor.

Requests have previously been heard by the compensation board, composed of members appointed by each of the elected officials. A change in state code during the 2024 legislative session allows the supervisors to bypass using a compensation board, an option the supervisors selected for FY 2026.

The Social Security cost of living adjustment was often part of the compensation board’s discussion. That increase for 2025 was 2.5 percent.

The board heard requests for county funds for fiscal year 2026 from four groups.

Bill Allen made a request on behalf of the Jefferson congregate meal site which not only serves lunch five days a week onsite, but also prepares lunches for delivery in Jefferson, Churdan and Grand Junction. Allen said the site averaged 86 meals a day, with more than 90 percent of them delivered.

Congregate meals is expanding service to include Rippey residents. Allen requested $15,000, an increase of $1,000 over the current year.

Don Van Gilder, Pat Richards and Peg Raney requested $10,000 for the Bell Tower Foundation, the same amount as the current year. A fundraising campaign is planned for later this year.

Chad Jensen and Teresa Lansman reported an increase in services during 2024 but requested the same funding for the coming year, $19,891. Funds are divided between the Greene County Family Development Center and the New Opportunities substance abuse treatment and prevention programs. Lansman noted an increase in the number of clients, the need for the Toys for Tots program, the backpack program (provides weekend food to needy students), and the number of mothers and children enrolled in the WIC program.

Amy McGinn, director of The Children’s Center, and Sam Harding, board president, requested $6,000 in county funding for the not-for-profit childcare center. Enrollment is now at 105, with more than 15 infants enrolled to begin this summer and early fall. Harding noted that a new playground for school-aged children will be completed this spring.

The board approved a resolution acknowledging the retirement of veterans affairs and general assistance director Mike Bierl.

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