To the editor, This time of year used to be my favorite with the girls and boys state basketball tournaments. But now I have lost interest due to the large number of schools involved. I recall when I was a senior in high school (1966) playing basketball, that all 535 schools were in one class. Only eight teams made it…
Read MoreYear: 2025
Private fireworks will be legal in Jefferson
The city of Jefferson may be little noisier and Jefferson police officers will spend less time answered calls about neighborhood fireworks over the Fourth of July and New Year holidays. The Jefferson city council at its Feb. 25 meeting approved the first reading of an ordinance amending the regulating and sale of fireworks in the city limits. Shooting off fireworks…
Read MoreAvoid tax and IRS scams during tax filing season
Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird provides tips to protect Iowans from tax and IRS scams during the 2025 tax filing season. “As tax season kicks into high gear, Iowans should be on the lookout for IRS and tax scams,” said Attorney General Bird. “Criminal scammers are on the prowl to steal Iowans’ hard-earned money, and they will use every opportunity…
Read MoreSupervisors hear economic impact of RRVT
The annual economic impact of recreational bicycling in Greene County is $1.3 million, Luke Hoffman of the Iowa Bicycle Coalition told the Greene County supervisors March 3 as he presented findings of a study on the impacts of cycling and trails in Iowa. “You’re kidding,” supervisor Dan Benitz said on hearing that. The study was done to update information last…
Read MoreP.E.O. Chapter CZ presents scholarship
The scholarship awarded by Chapter CZ of P.E.O. for 2024 was presented to Cherie Cerveny of Jefferson recently. Cerveny is completing her bachelor of science degree in social work. The $400 local scholarship from Chapter CZ is being utilized to reach that goal. Cerveny earned her associate’s degree from Des Moines Area Community College. Her career in early childhood services…
Read MoreSupervisors discuss well monitoring and ethanol
The Greene County supervisors’ recent discussions of Summit Carbon Solution’s proposed carbon dioxide pipelines across the county have centered on concerns of safety and the use of eminent domain to acquire land. They were reminded of another concern – water usage – at their March 3 meeting. Roger Rowles, who lives just southwest of the Louis Dreyfus ethanol plant at…
Read MoreStepping in for an anti-Democrat
~a column by Colleen O’Brien The off-the-rails President and his menacing capo, a vice-president, believe it or not, in the unusual venue of the Oval Office, acted out what appeared to be a badly rehearsed play for the benefit of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky last week. It was awkwardly done, mean-spirited, fourth-grade level bullying in front of an invited audience…
Read MoreLocal Elks make pair of donations to community food security organizations
The Jefferson Elks Lodge #2306 presented a check for $3,500 to the Greene County Christian ARC (food pantry) on Feb. 24. The Elks Beacon grant is part of the Jefferson Elks commitment to helping provide meals and assistance to those less fortunate in our community. Pictured (from left) are Elks officers Les Fister, Bill Allen, ARC director Shirley Haupert, and…
Read MoreGreene County district court, week ending Feb. 28
Persons pleaded not guilty to charges at arraignments in Greene County district court during the week of Feb. 28 as follows: Kolbe Richard Hunter, 24, of Scranton, assault on person in certain occupation/ use display weapon, willful injury causing bodily injury, and assault while displaying dangerous weapon; Lonnie Joe Walker Jr, 27, of Carroll, operating while intoxicated- second offense and…
Read MoreGreene County magistrate court, week ending Feb. 28
In Greene County magistrate court a judgment for a $105 fine with a $15.75 surcharge was entered Feb. 26 against Andrew James Jalas of Scranton after he pleaded guilty to a charge of theft- fifth degree. He must also pay $82.79 restitution to the city of Scranton. Court costs were $60. Daniel Joseph Tasler of Jefferson was sentenced to seven…
Read MoreI Stand with Ukraine
Attn readers – Send an email to to add your name to the signatures on this post. Victoria Riley, GreeneCountyNewsOnline, Shelly Thornton, Chris Henning, Bryan Helmus, Dale and Nancy Hanaman, Aimee (Hane) Bunker and Matt Bunker, Rob Russell, Janice Harbaugh, Sheilah Pound, Mary Weaver, Darren Jackson, Bruce, Sunje and Jack Bannister, Nick and Sue Richardson, Judy Turner, Margaret Hamilton,…
Read MoreDisney’s Little Mermaid on stage this weekend
Greene County High School students are putting the finishing touches on their production of Disney’s The Little Mermaid. The musical is a stage version of the popular 1989 movie. Ariel and Ursula are played by Hailey Carman and Daniele Madsen, respectively. Both are seniors. Other named parts are William Graham as Triton, Aden Bardole as Scuttle, Carter Petterson as Sebastian,…
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