In support of Greg Ruth for county supervisor

To the editor,

We would like to take this opportunity to tell you why we are supporting Greg Ruth for Supervisor District 1. We were classmates of Greg in high school; we’ve known him all our lives.

When you vote for Greg, you will get the “real deal”.  Greg has been door knocking several nights a week and speaking at small gatherings in the small towns around Greene County and Jefferson. His approach is personable, and we believe his approach to being a supervisor will also be personable. He is hard working, intelligent and he will listen to the constituents. He has always lived in Greene County and his heart is in Greene County.

If you drive around the county you will see Greg’s yard signs with Republican signs. This is because he has developed relationships with everyone he has worked with, in his construction business for the past 30 years, and coaching kids for 20 years. Given his knowledge of construction, it will be a benefit for him to be on the board of supervisors since Greene County jail is being built in Jefferson and a new HVAC system needs to be installed in our courthouse.

Greg Ruth’s repertoire includes friend, husband, father, grandpa, carpenter and local business owner. Let’s put supervisor on that list! Vote for our friend and classmate, Greg Ruth for county supervisor.

Susan Smith and Adrienne Smith, Jefferson class of 1975

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