We haven’t much time

~a column by Colleen O’Brien

News announcers, such as Joe Scarborough on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” are interviewing many anti-Trump guests now, two weeks before the general election. They talk about Trump as a fascist, as a Hitler lover, as friend of the major despots of the world, as a dictator his first day in office, as a president who will sic the U.S. military on his enemies (normal people call them political opponents). One of these is retired four-star general Mark Milley, another is former President Bill Clinton. Liz Cheney, former Congresswoman and Senator from Wyoming and hard-core Republican, has no qualms about calling Trump a fascist and announcing her vote for Harris. Trump’s former White House chief of staff John Kelly, who for two years worked under the erratic, angry ex-president, said that Trump praised Adolf Hitler in his presence, which led to Kelly finally, after all these years, naming him in public as a fascist.

Famous leaders of our country are finally saying out loud that Trump is no good.

When are they going to say out loud what we’re going to do about it?

We have 13 days.

The convicted felon, well-known golf cheat, liar about the weather, his health, his promises, his inheritance, his girlfriends, his female victims . . . is a grifter who is still walking around in a dark-blue suit with a strangely long necktie—reminiscent of a clown suit, although my bet is that he thinks he looks debonair. His latest sidekick, Elon Musk, another wealthy swindler who knows nothing about the U.S. Constitution and has no interest in learning, is paying people to register and to vote.

This is illegal according to the Constitution – Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States shall be removed from Office on impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

The U.S. Code (official codification of the general and permanent federal statues of the U.S.) Title:18,  Section: 597 says: Whoever makes or offers to make an expenditure to any person, either to vote or withhold his vote, or to vote for or against any candidate; and whoever solicits, accepts or receives any such expenditure in consideration of his vote or the withholding of his vote – shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both; and if the violation was willful, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not  more than two years, or both.

These people who are paid a minor fee or winning a $1 million do not know that they are as responsible for breaking the law as is the giver of such largesse.

The odd-looking con artist of all time (in this case, I’m talking about Trump, not Musk) shouts more outrageous lies by the hour to stir up his base; and they believe his every utterance. Like after he lost to Joe Biden in 2020, he is priming them for retaliation, insurrection, a “bloodbath” if he doesn’t win.

Which stately building in DC will be broken into this time, scarred and battered and shat upon? Did he have to pay for the damage done during the first insurrection? Will his next target be the White House? The entire complex of American government?  How about turning over graves at Arlington, like high school kids on a drunk? According to Trump, soldiers are fools – “What do they get out of it?” he asked.

Convicted felons actually pay their fines and go to jail. Has he paid any of his millions of dollars in fines? If he has, have you heard it on the news? Did I miss it?

Time is running out. It makes me nervous to think that he will not be incarcerated before Nov. 5, that if he does become president, we are screwed, and if he doesn’t become president, we are in for many kinds of cruelty across the country.

Are powerful anti-Trump people coming up with the answer to stop this bad actor? Or does the huckster miraculously escape due process and punishment once again?

When do we the people get justice for his actions when he was president – demanding loyalty to him before the Constitution; firing whistleblowers; profiting off his businesses during his presidency; hiring so many of his family members, one would think it was a monarchy; subverting the entire idea of democracy and the American way; after losing, he was willing to discount citizens votes, in Georgia, for one example, asking their secretary of state for 11,000 ballots to make him a winner there. How does that make you feel, Georgians? Ready to vote for him again?

Women, people of color, reporters, Gold Star families, soldiers, union members, Christians, Republican parasites who hang onto him for what reasons? I don’t get it, why anyone within these groups could vote for a person who thinks nothing of them except for his personal gain.

If he’s not  measured for the orange jumpsuit soon, what are we to do?

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