
~ column by Cauliflower Ear, aka Colleen O’Brien

Trump is getting on my nerves, and I’ve been through two hurricanes recently, so I’m in no mood to put up with bad behavior, especially his.

I’m ready to put him down like he puts everyone else down – well, not exactly. I won’t be lying, I’ll be using his own words, including how much he adores dictators like Russian Putin, Hungarian Orban and North Korean Kim Jong-un, all of them cruel to their own people. He likes despots more than he likes us, his fellow country people. He saves his anger for his “enemies,” known from sea to shining sea as all of us who live in the States and disagree with him.

That would include me. It is allowable in the U.S. to disagree; it is bad manners and a criminal offense to threaten folks.

He thinks he’s funny when he mispronounces his opponent Kamala’s name, even telling us he “couldn’t care less” what her name is. People of any intelligence or simple politeness think he’s dim and rude. He proves it daily.

People tell me to quit watching him and reading about him, but all news outlets talk about him and write about him endlessly. I want the news; he comes with it … in spades.

He’s glib at calling all opponents names, but he’s had a difficult time pinning one that will stick to crazy, laffin’, lyin’, chameleon Kamabla Harris. He tried calling her border czar, Kamala Krash and  after several weeks of coming up with names in his head finally settled on calling her Comrade Kamala. This is his projection to the max: he says of her what he really is, old buddy of former Communist KGB leader Putin, whose friendship he brags to us about.

When I was in third grade, a kid called me Cauliflower Ear rather than Colleen – nine-year-old male mentality. Trump puts across with a grinning image that he’s brilliant every time he calls somebody, especially Kamala Harris right now, a name. I used to say he talked like a fourth grader – that’s his profane self, and particularly “nasty” (a word he likes to use on women of color, but in a pinch will use it on any woman); he’s regressing: he’s now a third grader, making up snotty names like he’s a brilliant wordsmith for any and every body . . . . and smiling about it.  

He has made a third of the American population believe that Democrats are evil and trying to kill them or at least pull something over on them. He has made his followers believe that FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) is giving all its hurricane money to illegal immigrants, and none will be left for true Americans. He told his folks that FEMA will give no aid to North  Carolinians because they’re stealing the land to mine lithium. Wildly farfetched and so like him: untrue.

He’s talking trash about a federal agency that uses its own assigned money, not Social Security’s or Medicare’s, to help people after disasters. As it is right now, there are situations in the southeast in which people have lost their homes and goods, their cars, and some even their lives to hurricanes Helene and Milton; and because of Trump, those who remain are afraid to talk to FEMA (whose sole business is to be there to help them). Many of his followers in disaster areas will not talk to FEMA because they’re afraid they’ll get stiffed. They don’t quite get it that they’re getting jacked around by their leader, not the federal government . . . what he calls “the rottenness of the American democratic political system.”

In so many ways, the scheming, hopeful, wannabe dictator (his design for our future) has dissed our government so that even people who aren’t his followers have become edgy about what the Feds are doing; and not just FEMA but all agencies – the departments of justice, education, FBI, post office, centers for disease control, environment, energy, agriculture. What I have come to understand is that if he gets elected, the new federal government he talks about will be rounding up his enemies with the help of our military, incarcerating in prison camps (shades of swastikas flying, which his minions wave proudly), perhaps killing people who don’t bow to him. He will make this federal government go down in history as the last hurrah for the decency of a democracy of, by and for the people.

His most ominous statement: “This is the last time you’ll ever have to vote.”

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