Iowa DOT studying remarking Hwy 4 in Jefferson for three lanes

Area residents have until Oct. 7 to submit comments to the Iowa Department of Transportation regarding proposed improvements to Hwy 4 through Jefferson. The improvements would result in the roadway – from south of Greenewood Rd almost to Hwy 30 – being three lanes wide rather than four lanes. (See IDOT graphic)

The width of the road would not change. There would be a continuous left turn lane in the middle of the road, with north/south thru lanes on either side.

The DOT held an open house event in Jefferson Sept. 23 to share information about the project.

The project would involve resurfacing and painting Elm St north of Lincoln Way. South Elm would not be resurfaced, but existing markings would be water-blasted off and new markings would be put down.

The project would involve resurfacing and painting Elm St north of Lincoln Way. South Elm would not be resurfaced, but existing markings would be water-blasted off and new markings would be put down.

According to the DOT, remarking the roadway from four to three lanes has been shown to reduce crashes by about half, primarily by decreasing the number of left-turn and rear-end crashes. It improves walkability, as pedestrians have fewer lanes to cross, and it provides easier access. It also allows for shorter emergency response time for ambulance and law enforcement.

After the public comment time ends, the DOT will decide whether or not to go ahead with the project, and then, if the project is a “go,” start engineering plans. The project would be let for bids next fall with construction during the summer of 2026.

Project cost is estimated at $1 million, which would not come from county or city road funds.

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