Are we done yet? Or done for?

~a column by Colleen O’Brien

How is it that an ex-president of the U.S. who promoted a chaotic, unstable administration and a non-existent record of anything done for the people except a tax cut for the wealthy during his reign, who is also  a 34-count felon, a womanizing rapist, a congenital liar, a slimy name-caller, an insurrectionist against his own government, a race-baiter banned from 37 countries because of his crimes    . . .   gets to run for office again? 

He’s been talking “witch hunt” for a decade, and it’s taken us this long to realize that he is the bewitcher. He put a hex on our brains. Our goodwill. Our compassion for one another. Our hope.

Run-of-the-mill bad guys convicted of a felony in this country can be prohibited from voting, but a bad guy President convicted of a felony is allowed not only to vote but to run for and BECOME President.

An entire decade of making for craziness in me, my friends, people I don’t even know in my country – this is his legacy. My concept of the rule of law, any common sense I might t have gained through my life has been witch-hunted right out of me.

The Constitution made no demands regarding a convicted felon running for President [who would have dreamed of it way back then?]. Those designers of the Constitution were not angels – several of them owned slaves, for heaven’s sake – but the thought of allowing a convicted felonious warlock to run for the highest office in the land never entered their brilliant but naïve brains.

They would be struck dumb if they could see us now. Not just allowing a crook to run for and possibly win the presidency but our allowing him to bastardize a Supreme Court who ruled that any criminal behavior of a President  while officially acting as President cannot be condemned, indicted, prosecuted or sent away in chains for it.

We are now a country with a rule of law outside the Constitution; in fact, to say rule of law in this country at all is pointless.

We are a captured citizenry. From within, by one warlock himself, his very incoherence wearing us down to dumbness; a whole decade finagled by an angry dictator wanna-be who believes a dictatorship is better than a democratic republic. At least for him.

Have the men and women who worship him become even more heavily hexed than us who are frightened of him? Have they read no history? Don’t they get it that if he wins election, and they don’t kowtow, they’ll be the first ones in jail? Perhaps murdered? Their families tortured? Their acquaintances sent to a Gulag in Death Valley?

If we don’t elect “, La” we are doomed.

We might be doomed anyway or at least caught between the devil and the witch in him:  the infamous, venomous, sadistic ex-President promises “a bloodbath” if he isn’t elected.

And he’s now blaming the joyful Dems [innocently working their butts off for a legal election] of intimidation of and inciting mayhem against legal immigrants living in Springfield, Ohio . . .  a town that has shut down – schools, businesses, libraries, hospitals – for fear of Far Right thugs mesmerized into believing in evil and taking aim for innocent legal immigrants who thought they had escaped the hell of the country they emigrated from.

And he’s on to a new tact – blaming the Dems for aiming potshots at him on his own golf course as he jots his daily cheat on his scorecard.

Will he never go away?

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