Yard of the Month to Katie, Guy Richardson

A picturesque example of formal garden symmetry welcomes visitors to the manicured front lawn of Guy and Katie Richardson, 608 S. Chestnut St, the Jefferson Garden Club’s Yard of the Month for July 2024.

Anchoring the east corners at the front of the lot are large beds of red Knock Out roses, miniature boxwoods, day lilies and beautifully mature hostas that were planted more than 15 years ago.  Corner pillars near the steps and sidewalk are accented by planters of geraniums, spike and springeri vines centered with United States flags. 

Well-manicured shrubs surround the stately front porch of the historic home built in 1912. Unique metal garden art pieces create structure for autumn joy sedum. Other distinctive planters are artfully used to display containers of plants around the home.

A variety of hosta and daylilies can be seen near the north foundation of the home leading to the colorful garden wrapped around a covered outside deck.  A haven for hummingbirds, the towering trumpet vine arching over a trellis is a backyard centerpiece.  Water features and a variety of planters brimming with bright blooms surround the deck.  A yellow ceramic bird bath is framed by matching yellow Asiatic lilies to create a bright focal point near the privacy fence.  Honeysuckle vines are trained on an artistically shaped antique farm implement and creates corner interest.

Pictured with Guy and Katie Richardson (front) are Jefferson Garden Club members (back, from left) Collette Under and Mary Ann Wright.

Katie’s considerable floral experience as owner of Fudge’s Flower Shop in Jefferson from 1990 to 2017 and managing other floral businesses certainly is an advantage to her home garden.  However, Katie likens herself to other gardeners and says, “I threaten my plants that if they don’t grow, I throw them out!”

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