History chats at the Greene County Fair

The Greene County Historical Society continues its tradition of “history chats” at the Greene County Fair on July 12 and 13. The public is invited to join the conversations.

Local farmers Bill Frederick and James Holz will take about “Cover Crops: What’s old is new again,” Friday, July 12, at 1 pm.

For decades, Iowa farmers used cover crops such as mustard, alfalfa, rye, clover and buckwheat to add nutrients to the soil, planting them in the fall, and plowing or discing them in before planting row crops the next spring. The practice faded, but has seen a resurgence in recent years.

Tom Wind, who farms south of Cooper, will lead a chat, “What is it about? Iowa and wind power, by a windy guy,” Saturday, July 13, at 11 am.

He’ll get the chat going with an overview of the history of wind power, its benefits and its future.

According to the Iowa Environmental Council, the state is a national wind energy leader, producing more than 57 percent of its electricity with wind. Tom Wind is a partner in the first two small wind farms in the county.

The chats are held in the Historical Society Building on the west side of the fairgrounds in Jefferson.

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