Add pollinator friendly plants around your home

If you enjoy eating apples, peaches, blueberries, tomatoes, squash and more, thank a bee. Or, better yet, plant some pollinator friendly native plants in a pot, or flower bed or garden and support the local bees and butterflies.

National Pollinator Week is June 17-23.

“If you live in a neighborhood, look at what your neighbors have and try to build on that,” said Stephanie Shepherd, wildlife biologist with the Iowa Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Diversity program. “Look at it on the landscape level. If everyone added just a few pollinator plants, think of the impact that could have on the bee and butterfly community.”

Native species are preferred because they are adapted for Iowa’s environment and are familiar to the local butterfly and bee community. Adding plants to a section of the yard will be much more beneficial than no-mow May. Planting singles species in groups, and groups of plants near each other will benefit certain types of pollinators that will often focus on one plant type at a time when gathering food. Be sure to include species diversity and blooming diversity so something will be in bloom from April through October.

“Bigger plantings are always better, but simply replanting a wet part of the yard to native plants, or putting natives in the rock garden around your deck can benefit pollinators,” she said. “And don’t just get stuck in the flower garden! Landscaping with certain kinds of shrubs and trees can really raise the benefits for pollinators. Small steps, when added together, can have a huge impact.”

Cherry trees and willows flower really early in the spring – and willows thrive in wetter soils. Basswood is a popular nectar producing option for shady areas.

Information on native plants is available from the Tallgrass Prairie Center at UNI at or from the Iowa DNR at and

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