Jefferson Telecom tells bicycle safety message with donation of 24 bikes

Jefferson Telecom had the privilege of distributing 24 bikes to deserving 4th graders at Greene County Elementary School.

The initiative, spearheaded by Jamie Daubendiek, general manager of Jefferson Telecom, and his wife Cindi, aimed to provide bikes to children who needed them to promote an active lifestyle. Each recipient was not only gifted a bike but also heard the inspiring story of Jenny Robinson, Jamie’s sister, who survived a biking accident in 2010.

Jenny’s story serves as a reminder of the importance of wearing helmets while riding bikes. Jenny was hit by a truck while training for a triathlon in Colorado when she was thrown 50 feet in the air, shattering her bike, and placing her in the hospital for months. Luckily, she made a full recovery and credits her helmet for saving her life.  The bike parts, which had been in storage since 2010, were re-assembled this spring by Daubendiek, with a mission to educate elementary students on the significance of helmet safety.

“It was a labor of love,” Daubendiek expressed, “but definitely worth the cause. I hope that by sharing Jenny’s story and providing these bikes, we have left a lasting impression on the importance of safety while riding.” 

The presentation aligned perfectly with the school’s bike safety curriculum, led by physical education teacher Sean Thompson. It was complemented by the generous donation of bike helmets to every 4th grader courtesy of the Kiwanis Club of Jefferson.  The event served as a public service announcement, urging everyone to prioritize safety when riding bikes. “Wearing a helmet might just save your life,” Daubendiek emphasized. 

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