Grassley visits Greene, Guthrie counties

~by Taylor Teays for The Scranton Journal

Senator Chuck Grassley was in Greene and Guthrie Counties last week as part of his 99 county tour, which he has done for 44 consecutive years. He was in Greene County on Wednesday, stopping by Jefferson Telecom. 

Grassley opened Thursday’s Guthrie County open meeting in Panora by letting attendees know that he was not setting the agenda, he looked to those in attendance to let him know what they wanted to discuss. 

“This is a Thursday. Most Thursdays I’m in Washington. This week the Senate was in recess, so today I’ve been at a high school and a couple counties,” Grassley explained before opening for questions. 

Topics were thrown his way with subjects including abortion, immigration, the wars in Europe, and policies he’s chosen to back or not. 

Grassley spoke to the attendees for just short of an hour, giving the chance for community members to engage in political discussion with the long-time congressman. 

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