Region XII Council of Governments audit released

John D. Morrow, Certified Public Accountant, Wall Lake, has released an audit report on Region XII Council of Governments, Inc., Carroll.

Morrow reported the organization had revenues of $8,194,852 for the year ended June 30, 2023, which was a 9.12 precent decrease from the prior year. Support included $4,883,397 from federal and state agencies; $2,894,504 from public support, fees, contributions, matching funds, etc; $62,130 from rents; and $354,821 from interest from invested funds and loans.

Expenditures for the organizations totaled $7,523,530, a 15.57 percent decrease from the prior year. Program expenditures administered by the organizations included $2,890,022 for Rural Transit programs and planning, $971,195 for workforce related programs, $1,109,352 for affordable housing and housing assistance programs, $29,807 for Western Iowa Advantage Partners, $66,169 for Rural Business Enterprise programs, and $2,456,985 for other state and local programs.

A copy of the audit report is available for review on the Office of the Auditor of State’s website or the Region XII Council of Government’s administrative office. ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

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