Students raise $400 for middle school outdoor play equipment

The Webb House hosted a dance /game night on March 3 to raise money for outdoor play equipment for the middle school. The party was attended by 110 youngsters; eight middle school teachers helped chaperon. Students presented middle school principal Shawn Zanders with a check for $400 in proceeds. Pictured are students Scott O’Neal, Kading Winters, Gabe Fincel,  Kole Johnson-Peterson, and…

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Students add art to new animal shelter

Sarah Stott’s painting class at Geeene County High School was recently commissioned to paint indoor and outdoor murals at the new Greene County Animal Shelter. Students spent a little more than a week painting the indoor mural depicting cats and dogs in need of new homes. The painting class enjoyed painting on location and seeing the animals every day. The…

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For our daughters

~a column by Senator Joni Ernst (R), Iowa Iowa has a celebrated history of exceptional girls’ sports programs. We just saw the Iowa Hawkeyes women’s basketball team take home their fifth Big Ten Tournament title, days after cheering on the high school girls competing in the state tournament. Last year, the Iowa High School Girls Athletic Union proudly sanctioned girls…

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School tax levy decreased for next year

Bowling added to list of extracurricular activities The total property tax levy rate for the Greene County Community School District will be a little less next year than this year. Greene County Schools superintendent Brett Abbotts presented the proposed budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024, at the regular school board meeting March 8. The total levy will…

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Lamb banquet this Saturday

The Greene County Lamb Producers will hold their banquet and annual meeting Saturday, March 11, at 6:30 pm at Clover Hall on the Greene County fairgrounds. The banquet menu features leg of lamb prepared by the Lamb Producers, with sides by Lidderdale Country Store. After the meal, 2022 county fair awards will be presented and an auction will be held.…

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Supervisors laud Laehn and law enforcement

Also learn of $100,000 in federal funds for county ~by Janice Harbaugh for GreeneCountyNewsOnline At the March 6 meeting, county attorney Thomas Laehn told the county board of supervisors there is a state-wide ban on specialty courts. Laehn said the ban in Iowa prevents the establishment of a drug court in Greene County that could have used opioid settlement money…

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Do we have to have another one?

~a column by Colleen O’Brien Florida is far away from Iowa, so what’s it matter what the Florida governor is doing to education and civil rights? We have our own problems with our guv. However, Florida’s governor, Ron DeSantis, is diving whole-hog into autocratic behavior in order to get votes two years from now. I think he’s making a mistake…

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Congressman Nunn tours courthouse

Congressman Zach Nunn of the Third Congressional district, which includes Greene County, visited the courthouse Monday to talk with county elected officials. While he was there, he and his daughter toured the courthouse with county attorney Thomas Laehn as his guide. Janice Harbaugh trailed the tour with her camera.

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DNR plans burns in areas of Greene County

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources plans to conduct prescribed burns this spring in Greene and Guthrie Counties.   Greene County burns include Dunbar Slough Wildlife Area, located a mile south and three miles west of Scranton, and Snake Creek Wildlife Area, located two miles north of Rippey. Guthrie County burns include McCord Pond Wildlife Area, located one mile south…

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P-C voters approve revenue purpose statement for SAVE funds

Paton-Churdan voters approved a revenue purpose statement for Secure an Advanced Vision for Education (SAVE) funds a special election held March 7. Forty-one voters favored the proposition and three voted against it. Voter turnout was very low at only 5.87 percent. SAVE funds come initially from the state’s one-cent sales tax. The funds can be used for infrastructure needs. SAVE…

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