Property valuations increase across the county

Greene County property owners will likely not be surprised that property valuations in the county as of Jan. 1, 2023, increased significantly. Auditor’s office real estate and tax coordinator Pam Olerich reported to the supervisors Dec. 27 that the total valuation is now at $876,889,249, an increase of 8.87 percent.

Rural values increased 6.84 percent while urban (within incorporated cities) valuations increased 15.58 percent. The urban increase is due primarily to home sales, Olerich said.

Every town in the county showed an increase except Rippey. There, the valuation decreased 0.97 percent due to a co-op no longer being active. Valuations in Jefferson increased 18.17 percent, those in Scranton increased 17.17 percent, and in Churdan valuations increased 16.7 percent. Other increases were Grand Junction, 8.95 percent; Dana, 5.86 percent; and Paton, 5.14 percent.

All townships saw increases, ranging from 18.01 percent in Franklin Township to 2.99 percent in Paton Township and 3.72 percent in Junction Township.

Looking at school districts, increases in valuation were 9.95 percent in the Greene County district and 5.67 percent in the Paton-Churdan district.

Property valuations are the first figure used in computing tax levy rates. After adding all expenses in the budget and all revenues other than property taxes, the auditor and supervisors determine the levy rate needed to raise enough funds to cover expenses.

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