Churdan Halloween plans told

The town of Churdan has many things planned to celebrate Halloween.  On Wednesday, Oct. 25, the Churdan library is sponsoring a morning of trick-or-treat for children who aren’t in school yet.  Instead of the children coming in costumes, they will make a character headband  and then trick-or-treat along the sidewalk at the school.  Anyone who would like to hand out…

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GrCo FFA members attend Greenhand Fire Up

Each year southwest district and Iowa FFA officers plan and facilitate Greenhand Fire Up Conferences for FFA members in the southwest district. Atlantic High School welcomed FFA chapters from all over the southwest district on Oct. 18,. The Greene County FFA chapter sent six students to represent the chapter at this conference: Mason Lehman, Kaliyah Minnehan, Maggie Reed, Wyatt Babcock,…

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