The view from my window

COVID is back, Reynolds responds

~a column by Mary Weaver

Our new State of Iowa welcoming motto FREEDOM TO FLOURISH, but NOT ON MY WATCH, the Governor’s response to Covid prevention seems incompatible.

We are all aware that COVID is rearing its ugly contagious head again.

In my immediate family our adult son returned from a short vacation to Colorado, not feeling well, and the following day tested positive. He ran a slight fever, felt achy, and confined himself to the recliner for two days.

First Lady Jill Biden is recovering from this new strain of COVID, and the President was tested frequently before he flew off to meet world leaders.

On a very local note, we are aware of Chuck Offenburger missing his own declared cinnamon roll contest at the Iowa State Fair because of COVID exposure.

It is time to retrieve the masks from the upstairs closet, implement frequent washing of hands, especially after being out in the public sector, and distancing at least 6 feet from others when having a conversation.

As a former public health nurse, my health promotion and disease prevention thoughts come to mind; plenty of rest, eating healthy, and if exposed to someone who later tests positive, isolate for 5 days. If in the direct presence of someone positive for COVID the Center for Disease Control recommends wearing a mask for 10 days. This may be time to avoid crowded venues such as indoor plays or concerts, or to wear a mask if attending.

Wear a mask to demonstrate respect and caution for individuals who are immunocompromised, are older, and those with chronic conditions that may make them at higher risk. Having Covid could result in dire health circumstances or even their death.

A Center for Disease Control report of 109 new hospital admissions during the third week in August, was a 51.4 percent increase from the previous week.

In what seems like a huge CIVIL RIGHTS dichotomy, our Governor issued the following press release Aug. 30.

“Since news broke of COVID-19 restrictions being re-instated at some colleges and businesses across the U.S., concerned Iowans have been calling my office asking whether the same could happen here. My answer—not on my watch. In Iowa, government respects the people it serves and fights to protect their rights. I rejected the mandates and lockdowns of 2020, and my position has not changed.” 

The dichotomy is that 52 percent of Iowans did not want school vouchers, but they were implemented. That 61 percent of Iowans believe abortion should be determined between the woman and her physician, but our Governor continues to advocate for abortion restrictions. In my opinion, leaders should represent their constituents’ values, display concern, and implement safety measures for their citizens.

The new variant nicknamed “Eris” is scientifically named EG.5. It is a highly contagious omicron subvariant that has become the dominant proportion of new COVID infections. The vaccine for its prevention is scheduled to become available at the end of September.

Greene County currently has a dismal 19.5 percent updated booster rate. For your own health benefits, and others in our County, be watchful for the availability of the newest booster.

Mary Weaver is a retired public health nurse and leader for the Iowa Democratic Women’s Caucus. She writes VIEW FROM MY WINDOW from her home in rural Rippey and is being cautious to avoid exposure to COVID.

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