“Iowa, Freedom to Flourish” – J. Brunow

To the editor,

The recently announced Iowa slogan is a BAD joke following the 2023 legislative session.

In 2023 the Republican legislature and Republican governor took away Iowans’ freedoms.  Here are three examples:

Womens’ ability to be free to make their own health decisions.  HF 732

Parents’ ability to choose how to help their children manage health decisions.  SF 482

Victims’ ability to seek full compensation for their losses are limited in medical malpractice and commercial vehicle collisions.     HF161 and SF228

We need to be FREE of Representative Carter Nordman , Senator Jesse Green, and Governor Kim Reynolds.  Protect your freedom by registering to vote, stay engaged on the issues, and VOTE!  

I write for the Greene County Democrats.  We care about true FREEDOM.

John Brunow, Jefferson – Chair, Greene County Democratic Party central committee

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