Jamaica library Coffee Chat’ features county veterans affairs officer

Jamaica public library will host the second in a series of Saturday morning “Coffee Chats” Saturday, July 29, at 10:30 am with Beth Watson, service administrator, Guthrie County veterans affairs. Watson will outline the services available through the Guthrie County veterans affairs office at the courthouse in Guthrie Center. She will also open the conversation to questions that impact veterans…

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RAGBRAI® rolls through county Tuesday

~by Taylor Teays for The Scranton Journal The 50th Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa kicks off Sunday, July 23, with riders traveling through Greene County on Tuesday, July 25.  Riders will depart from Carroll in the morning, with Ames being their final destination. The ride will pass through Jefferson, with Lincoln Way being closed from Grimmell Rd on the…

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View from my window

Carrie Chapman Catt, Iowa’s suffragist ~a column by Mary Weaver Yes, I was sorry the vote regarding the outcome for lack of abortion availability for Iowa women, but I was not surprised. I completed my civic responsibilities by informing my legislator, Representative Thompson (remember my physical address is in Boone County) and Senator Green of my opinion. I will not…

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Crop condition improves as Iowa receives rain

Much-needed rain fell across most of Iowa, resulting in farmers having 4.7 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending July 16, 2023, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Field activities included cutting hay and harvesting oats. Some reports were received of farmers starting to apply fungicides. Topsoil moisture condition across the state rated 8 percent very short,…

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