Governor Kim Reynolds signed a proclamation declaring May 2023 (and all year) Child and Adolescent Brain and Mental Health Awareness Month.
Dr Mary Richards was present as Reynolds signed the proclamation and presented her with artwork by Four Oaks youngsters.
Richards, of rural Cooper, specializes in child law. She emphasized funding for future therapists and the thoughts of professionals about the age of consent within existing law.
“Our adolescents may perform well on higher education examinations; however, their brain is not fully developed until they reach the age of 25 or 26. Our youngsters process information within the emotion of the amygdala as the judgment and consequential actions while the prefrontal cortex is developing,” explained Richards. “Whereas, adults think in rational terms of good judgment and consequences within a developed prefrontal cortex. Significant adults may help our youth by assisting them in looking at consequences with fact when acting upon impulsive behaviors beyond this minute.
“Adults may connect with our youth by asking if they want the person to just listen or to listen and offer suggestions when they come with a problem. Being involved in the child’s activities, affirm his or her interests, model a healthy diet, sleep pattern, how to love and be loved creates a safe space when we help our youth find purpose in life and the ‘who am I’ journey,” concluded Richards. ~contributed by Mary Richards