Bell Tower Festival adds to legacy

The 2023 Bell Tower Festival drew thousands of residents and visitors to Jefferson Friday and Saturday. Although rain and even hail was in early weather forecasts, no rain fell, and festival-goers didn’t have to endure the very hot, humid weather that has beset recent festivals.

Phillip Heisterkamp

At the opening ceremony on the Plaza Stage Friday evening, festival steering committee chair Philip Heisterkamp explained the “Live Your Legacy” theme as a reminder “about seizing every moment we have and living life working towards the future of your dreams.”

“The festival is simply a celebration of our local life here in this town and county, which is only significant because people here have, and are choosing to do significant things with their talents and passions…,” Heisterkamp said.

Those at the opening ceremony heard the premier of “Jefferson Chimes” on the Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower. It was composed by musician and middle school media associate Jennifer Powers. Hers was selected from nine entries in a Jefferson Chimes contest. Peg Raney, a member of the Bell Tower Community Foundation and the music coordinator for the tower, explained that “Jefferson Chimes” will be used to call all those within earshot of the tower to special events on the Bell Tower Plaza.

Julie Fie, Bell Tower of Fame Award honoree

Carole Custer, chair of the Bell Tower Community Foundation and a co-chair of the very earliest Bell Tower Festivals, presented the Bell Tower of Fame Award to Julie Fie, a 1977 Jefferson Community High School graduate. Fie recently retired after a 41-year career in the National Basketball Association in media and public relations. The majority of that time was with the Phoenix Suns.

Fie was visibly moved to receive the award. She named many Jefferson residents from her growing up years and told stories about hanging out in the gym as her dad, the late Larry Fie, coached Ram basketball, and countless hours at the Jefferson swimming pool.

“Jeffersons is not just where I was raised. This is a place that continues to be my touchstone…. It’s where I came from and who I am. When I’m here, I feel grounded, like I’m where I’m supposed to be,” she said.

She said she described Iowa to a friend who has never visited as having “wide open spaces. It’s green everywhere, blue, blue skies, and stars that are really bright. The air is fresh, and the sunrises and sunsets rival any anywhere.” When asked about the people in Iowa, she described them as “hardworking, down to earth, not pretentious. They are prideful and they are kind, very, very kind.”

The Bell Tower Festival parade Saturday morning was hosted by the Rotary Club of Jefferson as it has been since 1980. Float entries were judged in four categories with winners as follows: commercial – Tom’s Taxi and Karaoke; non-commercial – Jefferson public library; thematic (expressing the Live Your Legacy theme) – Home State Bank; and best overall – Abundant Life Ministries.

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