Rams girls compete on the links

The Greene County girls golf team lost to ADM at the River Valley Golf Course on May 1, 201- 258. The Heart of Iowa Conference Tournament was played Wednesday at the Lincoln Valley Course. Nevada dominated to win the title by 20 strokes, carding 349. Roland-Story was second with 369 followed by West Marshall 373; PCM 408; South Hamilton 418;…

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Medical center sleep lab earns perfect score in re-credentialing

Just a few weeks ago, the sleep lab at Greene County Medical Center underwent a three-year re-credentialing process and earned a perfect score. Care management director Amy Sessions said they addressed one item while the Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) representative was here, but when they walked out of the nearly day-long survey, it was with those outstanding results.…

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Award-winning author speaking in Grand Junction Saturday

The Grand Junction public library will host award-winning author Kent Krueger Saturday, May 13, at 10 am. The program will be at the Grand Junction Community Center for more seating. Krueger writes a mystery series set in the north woods of Minnesota. His protagonist is Cork O’Connor, the former sheriff of Tamarack County and a man of mixed heritage—part Irish…

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RAGBRAI info meeting Thursday

All persons who want more information about being a vendor when RAGBRAI® passes through Greene County July 25 should plan to attend a public informational meeting Thursday, May 11 at the Welcome Center at Thomas Jefferson Gardens in Jefferson. Vendor requirements, general information, and time for Qs and As will comprise the meeting, which begins at 7 pm.

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Jefferson Matters/Chamber marks National Travel and Tourism Week

In honor of National Travel and Tourism Week (NTTW) May 7-13, the Iowa Tourism Office recognized Greene County for moving Iowa’s economy forward by contributing to the state’s $9.4 billion tourism industry. Established in 1983, NTTW is an annual tradition to mark the U.S. travel industry’s role in stimulating economic growth, cultivating vibrant communities, creating quality job opportunities, stimulating business…

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TJG annual plant sale this week

The annual plant sale at Thomas Jefferson Gardens of Greene County will be held Thursday, May 11, from 3 to 7 pm; Friday, May 12, from 9 am to 6 pm; and Saturday, May 13, from 8:30 am to 1:30 pm. Annuals, vegetables and perennials will be available for sale to the public. The sale will take place at the…

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Iowa farmers making progress planting

Mostly dry weather and warmer temperatures meant Iowa farmers had 5.7 days suitable for fieldwork duringthe week ending May 7, 2023, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Conditionsallowed farmers to make significant strides planting corn, soybeans, and oats. Iowa fields received welcome rain last week. Topsoil moisture conditions improved, now rated statewide at 6 percent very short, 27…

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